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A team by Lo Wing Sum (EE), Pun Chun Wing (EE) and So Ka Yan (BME) won Gold Medal at iGEM.

iGEM stands for International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition, a high-profile competition in synthetic biology among undergraduates from different institutes worldwide. iGEM is held every year in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Boston, United States. The goal of the competition is to build simple biological systems from standard, interchangeable parts and operate them in living cells. Teams are given about 6 months of time to build their system during the summer break and the autumn.

Mr. Sun Lei and Mr. Wang Lujia, PhD students of Department of Electronic Engineering (Supervisors: Prof. KP Pun and Prof. QH Meng), have been selected to receive an award under the Global Scholarship Programme for Research Excellence – CNOOC Grants for 2011-12. The award is to assist student to undertake a research attachment at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada for 4 months.


Congratulations to Li Qiang and Zhang Wei for winning the 1st and the 3rd prize of the Postgraduate Forum of the IEEE HK Chapter of Signal Processing ! Well done!

Prof. Blu's PhD student, Florian Luisier, has been selected to receive a Young Author Best Paper Award from the IEEE Signal Processing Society, for a paper on image denoising published in the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (2007). More info...

Ip Wei Chi, MPhil student from the Microwave Lab (supervisor: Prof. Michael Cheng) has been awarded the Champion of the IET (HK) YMEC 2010 (Postgraduate Section) held on July 11, 2010. The title of his presentation is Design and Implementation of Compact Microwave Power Divider with Spurious Suppression. The Award consists of a cash prize, a trophy and a certificate. Younger Members Exhibition and Conference (YMEC) is an annual event, at which students from the local tertiary institutions will present their projects or research works.

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