Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - 2024


Mr. NG Chi Kit (supervised by Prof. REN Hongliang) won the Creativity Award

Mr. NG Chi Kit, an outstanding EE year-4 undergraduate student, won the Creativity Award in the Grand Final of CUHK Capstone Project Presentation Competition 2024 due to his lively presentation on autonomy enhancement of robotic surgery. CUHK Capstone...View more

Mr. HU Gaolei (EE PhD) won the Best Student Paper Award at the IEEE Silicon Photonics Conference

Mr. HU Gaolei, a year-4 PhD student under supervision of Prof. TSANG Hon Ki won one of the three Best Student Paper Awards at the IEEE Silicon Photonics Conference held in Tokyo on 15-18 April 2024 for his paper "Multimode-Fiber Imaging Using a...View more