Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Prof TSANG, Hon Ki 曾漢奇


Dean of Engineering, Wei Lun Professor of Electronic Engineering
BA(Cambridge), MA(Cambridge), Ph.D.(Cambridge), FIEEE, FOSA, C.Eng., MIET, MHKIE
homepage Rm 309, Ho Sin Hang Engineering Building phone Tel: +852 3943 8276 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Research Interests:

Silicon Photonics; Optical interconnects, Integrated Optical modulators and receivers for advanced optical formats, Integrated Quantum Photonics; Mid-infrared integrated photonics, nonlinear waveguide devices.


hyperlink http://www.ee.cuhk.edu.hk/~hktsang/



Resume of Career

Hon Ki Tsang studied Engineering (Electrical and Information Sciences) at Cambridge University and received the B.A. (Hons) in 1987 and Ph.D. in 1991 from the University of Cambridge. He joined the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1993 as a lecturer, becoming substantiated as an Associate Professor in 1996. In 2002-03 he worked at Bookham Technology plc, UK.  He returned to CUHK and was promoted to Professor in 2003. He served as Chairman of the Department of Electronic Engineering from 2010-2016 and as Associate Dean (Research) for the Faculty of Engineering 2018-2023. He was appointed Interim Dean of the Faculty of Engineering in August 2023. He is currently the Wei Lun Professor of Electronic Engineering and he serves as the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering.

Prof Tsang previoulys served as Chairman of the Hong Kong Chapter of IEEE Lasers and Electrooptics Society (now IEEE Photonics Society), Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Photonics Society Newsletter (2012-2014) and Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics (2017-2023). He is a Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of Optica, Fellow of HKIE and a Chartered Engineer.

Research Interests

Prof. Tsang’s research is mainly on photonic integrated circuits, particularly silicon photonics for high-capacity data center optical interconnects, and silicon photonics for optical sensing and imaging. His group has specialized in the technology of advanced waveguide grating couplers, setting records on optical bandwidths (>150nm) and lowest loss ((<1dB per interface) using photolithographic patterning and processes available as standard PDK in commercial silicon photonic foundries. Current research projects include research on reconfigurable silicon photonic integrated circuits, hybrid integration of photonic materials with silicon photonics and integrated quantum photonic devices for quantum communications, quantum metrology and quantum computing,

Keywords: Silicon photonics; optical interconnects; silicon modulators, optical receivers, subwavelength gratings and hybrid silicon lasers; nanophotonics; Hybrid integration of 2D materials on silicon photonics; Ultrafast optical nonlinearities in semiconductors;mid-infrared silicon photonics; reliability of silicon photonics; hyperuniform disordered nanophotonics; plasmonic modulators.

Highlights of Recent Achievements

  • First measurements of two photon absorption in silicon waveguides in 2001 and GaAs/AlGaAs waveguides near the half bandgap in 1991
  • 2001:First measurements of nonlinear refraction in silicon waveguides
  • 2004: First demonstration of a high net gain integrated Raman amplifier in silicon
  • 2008: First demonstration of subwavelength gratings for waveguide grating couplers
  • 2010: Demonstration of highly efficient apodized grating couplers
  • 2011-12: Demonstration of broadband grating couplers using subwavelength gratings
  • 2013-14: First experimental studies of spectral hole burning in graphene on silicon
  • 2013: First mid-infrared graphene on silicon waveguide photodetector
  • 2016: Demonstration of >100Gb/s per wavelength using silicon microring modulator
  • 2017: First fully-suspended silicon slot waveguide for gas sensing
  • 2023: 400Gbs polmux transceiver using optical signal processor

Taught Courses

  • ENGG3802 Introduction to Engineering Entrepreneurship
  • ELEG5301 Photonic Integrated Circuits

External Service

  • Editor-in-Chief IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 2017-24
  • Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Photonics News 2012-14
  • Associate Editor Photonics Research 2015-17
  • Member/Chairman Disciplinary Tribunal Panel (Electricity Ordinance Chapter 406)

Selected 10 Publications (updated Summer 2024)

  1. Xuetong Zhou, Dan Yi, David Chan, and Hon Ki Tsang, “Silicon photonics for high-speed communications and photonic signal processing” npj Nanophotonics, 1, 27, 2024.
  2. Dan Yi, Yeyu Tong, and Hon Ki Tsang, "Unmixing Data Lanes in Mode-Division Multiplexing Optical Fiber Transmission Using an Integrated Photonic Processor," Journal of Lightwave Technology. 42, 287-292, 2024
  3. Gaolei Hu,Yue Qin,H.K. Tsang, “Multimode Fiber Speckle Imaging Using Integrated Optical Phased Array and Wavelength Scanning,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 42 p.3385-3392, 2024.
  4. Xue, J. Li, Yi Wang, Ke Xu, Z. Xing, K.S. Wong, H.K.Tsang and K.M.Lau “In-plane 1.5 µm distributed feedback lasers selectively grown on (001) SOI,” Lasers and Photonics Reviews, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1002/lpor.202300549
  5. Hu, K. Zhong, Y. Qin, and H. K. Tsang, “Silicon Photonic Integrated Circuit for High-Resolution Multimode Fiber Imaging System,” APL Photonics, 8, 046104, 2023.
  6. W.U Chan, X. Wu, C. Lu, A.P.T. Lau, H.K. Tsang, “Efficient 330-Gb/s PAM-8 modulation using silicon microring modulators,” Optics Letters 48 (4), 1036-1039, 2023.
  7. Zhou, H.K. Tsang, “Photolithography Fabricated Sub-Decibel High-Efficiency Silicon Waveguide Grating Coupler,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 35 (1), 43-46, 2023.
  8. Zhang, K. Zhong, X. Zhou, H.K. Tsang, “Broadband high-Q multimode silicon concentric racetrack resonators for widely tunable Raman lasers,” Nature Communications 13 (1), 3534, 2022.
  9. Wang, Y. Zhou, Z. Zhang, S. Xiao, J. Xu, H.K. Tsang, “40 GHz waveguide-integrated two-dimensional palladium diselenide photodetectors,” Applied Physics Letters 120 (23), 231102, 2022.
  10. Zhang, Y. Wang, J. Wang, D. Yi, D.W.U Chan, W Yuan, H.K. Tsang, “Integrated scanning spectrometer with a tunable micro-ring resonator and an arrayed waveguide grating,” Photonics Research 10 (5), A74-A81, 2022.