Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Course List


Study Schemes

New Curriculum

Faculty Package | Foundation Courses | Major Required Courses | Major Elective Courses

Remarks: The below course list includes all courses from the study schemes of different admitted years and is for reference only. Students should check the study scheme of their admitted year for verifying the Major/Minor Programme Requirement and the latest current courses via CUSIS.

Faculty Package

ENGG1110 Problem Solving By Programming (3 units)

This is a computer-programming course to equip students with software knowledge and skills to solve engineering problems.  Students will learn fundamental programming concepts in C, such as data representation and variables, operators and expressions, flow-control statements, functions, arrays, structures, pointer basics, input/ output handling, etc.  In addition to lectures and e-learning, students will work in labs to practise solving problems and complete an engineering software project.  The course will cover various problem solving methods such as incremental development, divide-and-conquer, debugging technique, finite-state machine, etc.  Through practices, students will acquire skills to define problems and specifications, to perform modelling and simulation, to develop software system prototypes, to carry out verification, validation, and performance analysis. (Not for students who have taken CSCI1020 or 1030 or 1110 or 1120 or 1130 or 1510 or 1520 or 1530 or 1540 or ESTR1002 or 1100 or 1102.)

ENGG1120 Linear Algebra for Engineers (3 units)

This course aims at introducing students to the fundamental concepts and methods in linear algebra, which are key to many fields of engineering. Topics include systems of linear equations, Gauss elimination, matrix factorization, matrices and their operations, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization, vector space, the Gram-Schmidt process, and linear transformation. (Not for students who have taken ENGG1410 or ESTR1004 or ESTR1005 or MATH1030 or MATH1038.)

ENGG1130 Multivariable Calculus for Engineers (3 units)

This course aims at introducing students to fundamental concepts and methods in multivariable calculus, which provide tools for solving engineering problems. Topics include functions of several variables, curves and surfaces, partial derivatives, Taylor’s formula, method of Lagrange multipliers, multiple integrals, line and surface integrals, Green’s theorem, Stokes’ theorem and divergence theorem. (Pre-requisite: MATH1510. Not for students who have taken ENGG1410 or ESTR1004 or 1006 or MATH2010 or 2018 or 2020 or 2028.)


Foundation Courses


ELEG2700 Introduction to Electronic System Design (3 units)

This is an introductory project-based course through which students learn how to design and realize a complete electronic system. Students are required to build a workable hardware system according to given specifications. The system components include electrical power supply, analog and digital circuits, sensors, actuators, display and microcontroller devices. Students will work in small groups to understand system requirements and specifications, identify design constraints, define project milestones, prototype the system and test the system. During the process of system implementation, students will acquire practical skills of software-hardware integrated design and debugging. (Not for students who have taken ENGG1100 or ESTR1000.)

ENGG1310 Engineering Physics: Electromagnetics, Optics and Modern Physics (3 units)

This is an introductory calculus-based engineering physics course covering topics in electromagnetics, optics and modern physics. Topics in electromagnetics include: electric and magnetic properties, Coulomb’s law, Gauss’ law, electromagnetic energy and forces, Biot-Savart law, electromagnetic fields and Maxwell’s equations, propagation of plane electromagnetic waves. Topics in optics include: optical interference, interferometers, optical diffraction. Topics in modern physics include: wave-particle duality, momentum and energy of photons and electrons, electronic states and energy bands, electrical conduction in metals and semiconductors.  Contents will be supplemented by discussions on applications relevant to engineering. (Not for students who have taken ENGG2520, ESTR2006 or ESTR1003.


ENGG2720 Complex Variables for Engineers (2 units)

A first course in complex numbers and the calculus of functions of one complex variable. Topics include complex numbers, complex differentiation, analytic functions and Cauchy–Riemann equations, elementary complex functions, complex integration, series, and residues integration. (Not for students who have taken ENGG2420 or 2460 or ESTR2000 or 2010 or 2014.)

ENGG2740 Differential Equations for Engineers (2 units)

A first course in the theory and applications of ordinary and partial differential equations. Topics include classification of differential equations, linear ordinary differential equations, Fourier series, and partial differential equations. (Not for students who have taken ENGG2420 or 2460 or ESTR2000 or 2010 or 2016.)

ENGG2760 Probability for Engineers (2 units)

A first course in the fundamentals of probability theory and their applications in engineering. Topics include sample space and events, counting, axioms of probability, conditional probability, independence of events, discrete and continuous distributions, random variables, joint distributions, and limit theorems. (Not for students who have taken ENGG2430 or 2450 or 2470 or ESTR2002 or 2005 or 2012 or 2018.)


MATH1510 Calculus for Engineers (3 units)

This course is designed for engineering students who need to acquire skills in calculus as a crash introduction to the mathematics used in engineering.  The course emphasizes on the technique of computation without theoretical discussion.  Students are expected to have mathematics background equivalent to HKDSE with Extended Module I or II.

PHYS1003 General Physics for Engineers (3 units)

This non-calculus-based course covers some essential concepts in mechanics, heat, electricity and magnetism.  It is designed for engineering students to get an overview on what physics is about.  Selected topics include: Newton’s laws of motion, Archimedes’ principle, fluid flow, temperature and heat, laws of thermodynamics, electric field and potential, current and circuits, and electromagnetic waves.  The course is suitable for Engineering students without HKDSE physics or Combined Science with a physics component, or with permission of instructor.

PHYS1110 Engineering Physics: Mechanics and Thermodynamics (3 units)

This is an introductory calculus-based engineering physics course covering topics in mechanics and thermodynamics.  Topics include:  Use of vectors in mechanics, force and motion, free-body diagrams, work and energy, potential energy and conservation of energy, momentum and impulse, torque, essential ideas in rotation, equilibrium, gravitation, ideal fluids, oscillations, waves and sound, elementary concepts of thermodynamics and heat transfer mechanisms.  Contents will be supplemented by discussions on applications relevant to engineering.  The course is suitable for Engineering students with HKDSE physics or Combined Science with a physics component, or with permission of instructor.


Major Required Courses

CSCI1120 Introduction to Computing Using C++ (3 units)

This course introduces the computer-oriented problem-solving methods and algorithm development; object oriented programming concepts; concepts of abstract data types; simple data structures; illustrative applications. The C++ programming language will be used. (Not for students who have taken AIST1110 or CSCI1020 or CSCI1110 or CSCI1130 or CSCI1510 or CSCI1520 or CSCI1530 or CSCI1540 or ESTR1100 or ESTR1102)

ELEG2201 Digital Circuits and Computing Systems (3 units)

This course gives a comprehensive insight into the principles and design of modern digital computing systems. The course content covers elementary logic gates, combinational logic circuits, arithmetic blocks, sequential circuits, and finite state machines. The topics are taught in a way to illustrate how these component blocks can be used to design a basic computer processor. A hardware description language, namely VHDL or Verilog, will be introduced for digital systems design. The course helps lay the foundation for learning the design of complex digital systems. Students will learn design methodologies and use computer-aided tools to design small and medium size digital circuits.  This course includes mandatory laboratory modules, which covers the issues of health, safety and the potential hazards of working environment. (Not for students who have taken ENGG2020.)

ELEG2202 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (3 units)

This is an introductory course on electric circuits. The main content include basic circuit laws and theorems, methods of circuit analysis, operational amplifier circuits, and the concept of linear feedback system. The basic concepts of AC circuits, including impedance, phasors, sinusoids and frequency response, will be taught. The course will also cover the fundamentals of electrical power systems, including transient analysis, three-phase circuits, inductors and transformers, and basic electromechanical principles. This course includes mandatory laboratory modules. (Not for students who have taken BMEG2300.)

ELEG2310 Principles of Communication Systems (3 units)

This is a foundation course on telecommunication and related technologies. It describes the essential elements of a modern communication system. Students will learn the basic concepts in electrical communication, the operation principles and the performance requirements for a real-world communication system. The course content include signal representation and properties, amplitude modulation, angle modulation, analogue-to-digital signal conversion, demodulation and detection, pulse modulation, multiplexing, baseband transmission, passband transmission, inter-symbol interference, system performance evaluation and other topics. The course is the basis of various advanced courses on electrical and optical communications. (Not for students who have taken ESTR2300 or ENGG2310 or IERG2310.)

ELEG2601 Technology, Society and Engineering Practice (2 units)

This course aims to provide electronic engineering students with an understanding about the significance and contribution of engineering and technology to the society and the professional role of engineers in the society. The topics to be covered include, but not limited to, Engineering, Innovation, Social and Economic Development; Role of Engineering in Society; Engineering Problems, Challenges and Opportunities; Project Management, Environment, Energy, Standards and Regulatory Issues; Engineering Ethics, Good Engineers and Engineer Leaders; Entrepreneurship, Business, IP and Enterprise Management; and Economic Development in China. The primary objective of this course is to imbue engineering students with a sense of social responsibility and pride in practicing engineering profession to the betterment of mankind. (Not for students who have taken ENGG2601.)

ELEG2602 Engineering Practicum (1 unit)

This is a practicum course that provides fundamental hands-on training on practical skills for electronic engineering students. It covers basic hardware design and implementation, use of software tools, and computer systems. (Not for students who have taken ENGG2602.)

ELEG3201 Microelectronic Devices and Circuits (3 units)

This course provides the basic knowledge of semiconductor physics, including electrons and holes, energy band diagram, Fermi energy, intrinsic and doped semiconductors, drift and diffusion currents. The principles of P-N junctions, bipolar and MOS transistors will be explained. The device performance measures, namely current efficiency, transit frequency and intrinsic gain, will be introduced. Other topics covered include frequency response of transistor amplifiers, filters, feedback, stability, frequency compensation, and oscillators. This course includes mandatory laboratory modules. (Not for students who have taken ESTR3200; Prerequisite: ELEG2202 or BMEG2300 or with the consent of the instructor.

ELEG3213 Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics (3 units)

This course is designed to prepare electronic engineering students with the foundation knowledge for learning radio and optical communication technologies. It starts with the review of vector differential operators. The course content cover time-varying fields, Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic wave propagation, reflection and transmission, transmission line theory, Smith Chart, microwave and optical waveguides, transients on transmission lines, antenna radiation, and basic concepts of wireless and optical communications. This course includes mandatory laboratory modules. (Not for students who have taken ELEG3203 or ESTR3214.)

ELEG4998 Final Year Project I (3 units)

The course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to carry out, under the supervision of an academic staff, an independent project with research elements in engineering.

ELEG4999 Final Year Project II (3 units)

The course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to carry out, under the supervision of an academic staff, an independent project with research elements in engineering. (Pre-requisite: ELEG4998.)

ENGG2030 Signals and Systems (3 units)

This course introduces the concepts of signals and systems and teaches the mathematical and computational tools for the analysis of engineering signals and systems. The course content covers Fourier representations of continuous-time and discrete-time signals, frequency spectrum, linear and time-invariant systems, impulse response, convolution sum and convolution integral, frequency response, Laplace transform and z-transform representations of signals and systems. Sampling theorem and the relation between continuous-time and discrete-time signals will be discussed. This course includes mandatory laboratory modules. (Not for students who have taken ESTR2206 or ESTR2302 or ESTR2360 or IERG2051 or MIEG2051.)

ENGG2310 Principles of Communication Systems (3 units)

This is a foundation course on telecommunication and related technologies. It describes the essential elements of a modern communication system. Students will learn the basic concepts in electrical communication, the operation principles and the performance requirements for a real-world communication system. The course is the basis of various advanced courses on electrical and optical communication. The course includes mandatory laboratory modules. (Not for students who have taken ESTR2300.)


Major Elective Courses

CENG4120 Computer-aided Design for Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits (3 units)

This course aims at providing students basic knowledge and background on VLSI CAD. The course will cover various topics on automation across the design of a VLSI circuit including but not limited to, Boolean matching, logic optimization, chip planning, placement, routing, interconnect optimization, testing and manufacturing. Students will learn to use some EDA tools and also develop some algorithms to solve EDA problems. (Prerequisite: CSCI2100 or CSCI2520 or ESTR2102.)

CSCI2100 Data Structures (3 units)

This course introduces the concept of abstract data types and the advantages of data abstraction. Various commonly used abstract data types including vector, list, stack, queue, tree, and set and their implementations using different data structures (array, pointer based structures, linked list, 2-3 tree, B-tree, etc.) will be discussed. Sample applications such as searching, sorting, etc., will also be used to illustrate the use of data abstraction in computer programming. Analysis of the performance of searching and sorting algorithms. Application of data structure principles. (Not for students who have taken ESTR2102 or CSCI2520; Pre-requisite: AIST1110 or CSCI1110 or 1120 or 1130 or 1510 or 1520 or 1530 or 1540 or ESTR1100 or ESTR1102 or ESTR2306 or IERG2080. For senior-year entrants, the prerequisite will be waived.)

CSCI 2520 Data Structures and Applications (3 units)

This course formally examines the relationship between abstract data types and data structures. The implementation of abstract data types using various data structures will be discussed. Abstract data types including list, stack, queue, symbol table, tree and graph will be introduced. Introductory complexity analysis and big-O notation will be illustrated with simple algorithms such as searching and sorting. (Not for students who have taken CSCI2100 or ESTR2102.)

CSCI 3100 Software Engineering (3 units)

This course introduces software life-cycles: system modelling, requirements analysis and specifications, design techniques, implementation methodology, testings, maintenance and engineering laboratory. Analytical tools: software metrics, system performance measurement and evaluation. Management techniques: estimations, planning, project management, communication skills and documentations. Introductions to CASE tools and security. (Not for students who have taken ENGG3820 or ESTR3308 or IERG3080)

CSCI3320 Software Engineering (3 units)

The first part introduces basic methods, including minimum error versus maximum likelihood, parametric versus nonparametric estimation, linear regression, factor analysis, Fisher analysis, singular value decomposition, clustering analysis, Gaussian Mixture, EM algorithm, spectral clustering, nonnegative matrix factorization. The second part provides an introduction on small sample size learning, consisting of model selection criteria, RPCL learning, automatic model selection during learning, regularization and sparse learning. (Prerequisite: ENGG2040 or ENGG2430 or ESTR2002 or STAT2001.

DOTE1030 / DSME1030 Economics for Business Studies I (3 units)

This course is a general introduction to the theory of price in a market economy. Topics include basic economic concepts, the theory of demand, production and cost, the operation of firms in competitive, oligopolistic and monopolistic markets, costs and benefits of government intervention in market economy, and introduction to game theory and informational economics. Analytical approach is used whenever appropriate. Applications on practical business problems are emphasized. (Not for students who have taken ECON2011 or ECON3011.)

EEEN4020 Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Technology (3 units)

This course provides students with knowledge of solar energy and photovoltaic technologies. It covers the following topics: introduction to solar energy technologies, semiconductors for photovoltaics; working principle and performance evaluation of photovoltaic cells (PVs); photovoltaic technologies (crystalline PVs, thin film PVs, and organic and nanostructure based PVs), solar panel system design, cost aspects, and market development and environmental impact of photovoltaic industry. (Not for students who have taken ESTR4402. Pre-requisite(s): 1. ELEG2202 and EEEN2020 or 2. ELEG2202 and ELEG3201/ESTR3200)

ELEG3103 Robotic Perception and Intelligence (3 units)

This course is an introduction to robotics, perception, and artificial intelligence, with concentration on robotic systems empowered with perception and intelligence for real-world applications. We start with the fundamentals of robotics and artificial intelligence. The technical topics include electronic and mechanical components of robots, sensors and robotic vision, sensor data fusion and evaluation, signal and image processing. The knowledge areas cover robotics, machine learning and artificial intelligence, robot motion and task planning, robotic programming, and human-robot interaction. It aims to help students establish a wide-spectrum understanding about the principles and the fundamental knowledge of robotics, perception and intelligence in a real-world context. (Not for students who have taken MAEG3060 or ESTR3408 or ESTR3216; Prerequisite: ENGG2030 or with the consent of the instructor.)

ELEG3202 Analog Integrated Circuits (3 units)

This course teaches analog integrated circuits with focuses on three circuits: operational amplifier (opamp), bandgap voltage reference and linear regulator. The performance metrics of these circuits are introduced, and the analysis and design of these circuits at the transistor level are taught. Stability and frequency compensation of opamps with feedback are analyzed. Noise analysis is introduced. The course also covers data converters and filters. (Not for students who have taken ELEG3210. Prerequisite: ELEG2202 or BMEG2300 or with the consent of the instructor.)

ELEG3207 Introduction to Power Electronics (3 units)

This is an introductory course to power electronics. Semiconductor power switches and the principles and methods of switched-mode power conversion are introduced first. Important concepts needed in power electronics are reviewed. The course then goes to analyze and design four categories of switched-mode power converters: AC-DC, DC-DC, DC-AC and AC-AC, their different modes of operations, and their applications, for instance, in DC power supplies, electric vehicle chargers and clean energy generation systems. Control circuits employing negative feedback for switched-mode DC-DC converters are introduced and analyzed, and their design methods are illustrated. (Pre-requisite: ELEG2202 or BMEG2300 or with the consent of the instructor.)

ELEG3214 Antennas and Wave Propagation for Wireless Communications (3 units)

This course is designed for electronic engineering students to learn how to design basic antennas for wireless terminals and to understand the wireless systems from radio propagation perspectives. It starts with the review of Maxwell’s equations and their solutions for far fields. The course discusses the basic concepts for various electrical small and resonant type antennas, antenna array and teaches how to design practical antennas for wireless terminals. The basic characteristics of radio propagation are studied for a better understanding of modern wireless communication systems, for examples, satellite communications and mobile technology. This course includes mandatory laboratory modules. (Not for students who have taken ELEG3204 or ESTR3202. Pre-requisite: ELEG3213 or consent of the instructor.)

ELEG3301 Principles of Semiconductor Devices (3 units)

The course teaches the physical principles behind semiconductor devices. It starts by reviewing the particle-wave properties of electrons and photons. The problems of electrons in a 1-D potential well and electron scattering in potential barriers are addressed. Fundamental concept and theories of semiconductor devices are introduced: hydrogen atoms, bonds, crystal structures, band theory of solids, effective mass, and the Fermi energy. Electric conductions in semiconductors are taught: intrinsic and extrinsic, drift, mobility, diffusion, recombination, Hall effect. Properties and structures of metal-semiconductor junction, p-n junction and MOS capacitor are analyzed, and their breakdown effects are described. Semiconductor transistors, including MOSFET and JFET, are briefly introduced. Integrated circuits fabrication is also described: layer formation, photolithography and layout. (Not for students who have taken ELEG2510 or ESTR3204.)

ELEG3302 Fundamentals of Photonics (3 units)

This course covers the fundamental knowledge in photonics and its applications in engineering. The topics include review of ray optics, wave and beam optics, Fourier optics and optical image formation, holography and holographic storage, polarization optics and liquid crystal display technology, light emitting diodes, optical resonators and lasers, optical interconnects and switches, optical fiber communications and fiber sensors. The applications of photonic technology in modern consumer products will also be explained. (Not for students who have taken ELEG3010.)

ELEG3303 Introduction to Optical Communications (3 units)

This course covers the physics, technology, and engineering applications of optical communications. The topics include overview on the development of fiber communications, optical fibers and their properties, LED and Laser sources, optical power launching and coupling, optical detectors and receivers, repeaters, regenerators, and optical amplifiers, introduction to optical communication systems, modulation and multiplexing technologies, optical networks, and nonlinear fiber optics. Recent developments in optical communication technology will also be discussed. (Not for students who have taken ELEG3320 or ESTR3206.)

ELEG3503 Introduction to Digital Signal Processing (3 units)

This course teaches the principles and methods of digital signal processing. The course content covers discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT), discrete Fourier transform (DFT), z-transform, linear-time invariant (LTI) system, impulse response, frequency response, transfer function, stability and causality, properties of digital filters, digital filter design and realization. This course provides the foundation for learning advanced signal processing topics. (Not for students who have taken ELEG3410. Prerequisite: ENGG2030 or ESTR2206 or consent of the instructor.)

ELEG3601 Introduction to Electric Power Systems (3 units)

This is an introductory course on electric power systems and electrical to mechanical energy conversion. Electric power systems have become increasingly important as a way of transmitting and transforming energy in industrial, military and transportation uses. They are also at the heart of alternative energy systems, including wind and solar electric, geothermal and small-scale hydroelectric generation. This course covers fundamentals of energy-handling electric circuits, power electronic circuits such as inverters, and electromechanical apparatus; modeling of magnetic field devices and description of their behavior using appropriate models; analysis of power electric circuits, magnetic circuits, and elements of linear and rotating electric machinery; models of synchronous, induction, and DC machinery; the interconnection of electric power apparatus and operation of power systems. (Pre-requisite: (ELEG2202 or BMEG2300) and (ENGG1310 or ENGG2520 or ESTR1003), or with consent of the instructor.)

ELEG3701 Embedded Systems Design (3 units)

This course introduces the basic concepts and design principles of embedded systems and teaches software-hardware co-development of a typical microcontroller-based system. Students will learn the concepts of input/output, interrupts, timer/counter, interfacing, step motors, through both classroom lectures and hands-on experiments. In the course project, students are required to propose, design and implement a complete embedded system. (Not for students who have taken ELEG2401 or IERG3060 or IERG3810; Pre-requisite: (ELEG2201 and ELEG2202) or with the consent of the instructor.)

ELEG3710 Electronic Product Design and Development (3 units)

This course aims to provide basic training and hands-on experience on electronic product design and development. Topics to be learnt include information search; project planning; design methodology; selection of components; prototyping; testing procedures; trouble shooting; and documentation. The course will consist of lectures (basic training) and laboratory practice relating to the development of electronic products with pre-defined specifications. (Not for students who have taken ELEG3700.)

ELEG3910 Undergraduate Research in Electronic Engineering (2 units)

Students will conduct research study of a topic in Electronic Engineering under the supervision of a teaching staff. (Not for students who have taken ENGG3920)

ELEG4211 CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits Design (3 units)

This course reviews the transistor and wire characteristics and models in modern digital CMOS technologies. Performance metrics for digital circuits are introduced. Design and optimization of various types of digital integrated circuits are discussed. They include static combinational logic circuits, dynamic combinational logic circuits, and sequential logic circuits. An exemplary arithmetic circuit is studied. The course also covers the design of memory and array structures, noise in digital systems, I/O and signaling conventions. (Not for students who have taken ELEG4201 or ELEG4260)

ELEG4214 RF Circuits for Wireless Systems (3 units)

This course is for electronic engineering students to lay the essential foundation for learning the design of radio frequency circuits. It provides the system perspectives of wireless communication. The course starts with the review of transmission line theory and covers basic passive and active RF circuits, including impedance matching circuits, couplers, power divider, filters, amplifiers, etc. The basic concepts of wireless system design are discussed. This course includes mandatory laboratory modules. (Not for students who have taken ELEG4203 or ELEG4204 or ELEG4213 or ESTR4206 or ESTR4208 or ESTR4220 or ESTR4222. Pre-requisite: ELEG3203 or ELEG3213 or ESTR3214 or consent of the instructor.)

ELEG4215 Power Converter Circuits (3 units)

This course introduces power converter circuits and their operating principles. The types of power converters covered include voltage reference circuits, shunt and series linear regulators, charge pump circuits and switched-mode dc-dc converters. (Not for students who have taken ELEG4205. Prerequisite: ELEG3202 or consent of the instructor.)

ELEG4216 Design Methodology of Modern Digital Circuits (3 units)

This course teaches the design methods for modern digital circuits. Digital circuit technology trends are described. Implementation methods and design flows for modern digital circuits are explained in detail, and their trade-offs are discussed. Advanced circuit techniques in digital designs are introduced. Design tools, e.g., Verilog, are taught. Packaging and testing of digital integrated circuits are briefed. (Not for students who have taken ELEG3205.)

ELEG4311 Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Devices (3 units)

This course first review the fundamental knowledge about semiconductor physics and MOSFET transistors and go through various advanced silicon based devices and technologies, including NMOS, CMOS, CCD, TFT and SOI. Junction devices, namely bipolar junction transistors, tunnel diodes, heterojunction and quantum-well devices, and quantum dots, are introduced. Silicon based memory technologies, including DRAM, floating gate MOSFET, flash memory, are covered. The course also gives introduction to photonic devices, for examples, light emitting devices (LEDs), semiconductor lasers, photodetectors, and solar cells. Organic electronics, including organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) and organic thin film transistors, and flexible electronic devices are described. (Not for students who have taken ELEG4301 or ELEG4510 or ESTR4210 or ESTR4216. Prerequisites: ELEG3301 or ESTR3204 or consent of the instructor.)

ELEG4312 Micro-optic Devices and Systems (3 units)

This course covers the physics of micro-optical devices and systems. Topics include optical coherence and interference, thin film optical filters, optical diffraction, principles of optical waveguides, photodetectors and optical modulators, optical imaging subsystems. It also gives an introduction to optical coherence tomography and LIDAR. (Not for students who have taken ELEG4302.) 

ELEG4511 Digital Signal Processing and Applications (3 units)

This course focuses on applications of signal processing in different domains such as audio and speech processing, biomedical signal processing, communications, data science, to name a few. The course will first introduce advanced signal processing methods such as filter designs, spectral estimation, time-frequency analysis, statistical signal processing, adaptive signal processing, and principal component analysis. Their applications to various real-life problems will then be studied. (Not for students who have taken ELEG4501 or ESTR4212 or ESTR4218. Pre-requisite: ELEG3503 or consent of the instructor.)

ELEG4512 Digital Image Processing (3 units)

This course is designed for electronic engineering students to learn the principles of digital image processing and the use of digital image processing techniques to solve practical problems. The course will introduce basic concepts, theory and methods of digital image processing, including image acquisition, image representation, sampling, interpolation, geometric distortions, image restoration, and image segmentation. Their applications in real-world multimedia systems will also be described. (Not for students who have taken ELEG4502 or IERG4160.)

ELEG4701 Intelligent Interactive Robot Practice (3 units)

This is a project-based course that aims at offering students hands-on learning experience on the subject topics of robotics, perception and AI with applications in human-robot interaction. Students are required to first put together a workable mobile robotic manipulation platform using the provided mobile base and robotic arm, customized with perception sensing devices. Subsequently students will use the mobile robotic manipulation system and the sensing devices to achieve perception and AI empowered real-world human-robot interaction with prescribed task objectives and scopes. Students will work in small groups to study the hardware and learn the required ROS (Robot Operating System) software platform, understand the task requirements, work out feasible solutions, and accomplish the course project objectives. During the process, students will acquire basic knowledge and practical skills of robotics, perception and AI via a hands-on learning approach.

ENGG3802 Introduction to Engineering Entrepreneurship (1 unit)

The 1-unit course will introduce engineering entrepreneurship and provide the key basic concepts needed in the preparation of technical proposals and business plans. The course will introduce students to analytical process of evaluating new ideas, and metrics to compare ideas with existing approaches in the market. The course will include in class discussion of forecasts based on market size estimates, cashflow analysis and technical development plans. The course objective is to prepare students to develop and present their innovative technical ideas that have potential for practical development as a preliminary entrepreneurship project in the following semester in ENGG3803. In addition to a formal written proposal to describe their ideas, students will also be asked to present their proposal to the course instructor. Shortlisted proposals will be invited to a second presentation where a panel of experienced engineering entrepreneurs select proposals for further development.

ENGG3803 Engineering Entrepreneurship Development Project (2 units)

The 2-unit course is project based. Students will be provided with individual or small group project supervision to help them implement their project proposal from ENGG3802. The objective of the course is to provide an initial technical implementation showing the technical feasibility of the proposal. The focus is carry out practical prototyping, simulations and/or computer coding and build a pre-alpha proof of concept demonstration via initial computer software or design/building of the critical hardware subsystems. At the end of the course, students will present their work to a panel of assessors in a project competition, and those shortlisted will be assessed by a panel including external entrepreneurs who may consider the successful projects for possible continuation (eg as the final year project or capstone project of their major programme). (Pre-requisite: ENGG3802 with Grade B+ or above or with consent of instructor.)

IERG3080 Information and Software Engineering Practice (3 units)

Software Engineering practice such as requirement analysis and specifications, system design and integration, object-oriented designs and development, software testing and maintenance, software quality and performance metrics, documentation, CASE tools, project planning and management. Information engineering practice concerning software intellectual property rights, privacy, Internet commerce, entrepreneurship and public policies. (Pre-requisite: CSCI2100 or ESTR2102. Not for students who have taken CSCI3100 or ENGG3820 or ESTR3308.)

IERG3310 Computer Networks (3 units)

OSI reference model. Overview of TCP/IP. Local area networks and wide area networks. Network layer and protocols. Transport layer and protocols. Examples of application layer protocols such as HTTP. Network security: firewall, SSL, and private and public keys encryption systems. One term project on client-server programming to create a web server and proxy. (Not for students who have taken CSCI4430 or ESTR4120 or ESTR3310.)

SEEM2440 Engineering Economics (3 units)

Principles of engineering economy. Value and cost; cash flows. Economic analysis of alternatives, technological, social and human factors. Models involving allocation and scheduling of resources. Analytical techniques for evaluating industrial projects. Relationship between economics of technical choice and industrial productivity. Basic financial accounting concepts; accounting cycle; financial statements. (Not for students who have taken SEEM2510 or ESTR2500.)
