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CHEN Zhenzhong has been awarded the Faculty Outstanding Thesis Award 2007.

2007香港中文大學校長盃 – 學生創新比賽


香港中文大學工程學院的三位學生 – 劉振寧 (電子工程)、李檳成 (電子工程)、雷嘯嘯 (計算機工程) – 成功設計了這部「神窗手」,更贏得「2007香港中文大學校長盃 – 學生創新比賽」的亞軍。

「香港中文大學校長盃 – 學生創新比賽」是本校一年一度的盛大比賽,目的是希望同學透過比賽,學習運用他們本科的知識及發揮他們的創意。由於這個比賽接受不同類型的創新項目,故此每年都會邀請一班來自不同學系的教授評分,如數學系、醫學系、訊息工程系等等,希望可以全面地為同學的作品評審。評分準則主要是根據作品的創新性及技術轉換性。創新性是看參賽者的概念是否有創意,之前是否已有人發表了類似的作品。而技術轉換性是看看這個計劃的可行性,可否利用現今的科技來製成產品。



三位同學對科技研究充滿熱誠。其中兩位同學更是電子興趣學會的成員,他們分別是劉振寧同學 (主席) 和李檳成同學 (康樂)。他們坦言參加電子興趣學會可以把自己所學所想的概念實踐出來,提高了他們對科技研究的興趣。現在電子興趣學會致力研究MP3播放器、電子溫度計等等。最後,劉振寧同學鼓勵大家多參與這些有趣的研究計劃及不同類型的比賽,這不但有助提升同學對電子工程的興趣,更可以獲得寶貴的經驗。

Vice-Chancellor’s Cup of Student Innovation 2007

What is the most troublesome household work? I think most of the people would vote “Cleaning the windows” as the answer, because it is so difficult and dangerous to clean every part of the windows. There were incidents about someone falling from the building during window cleaning. These have raised the awareness of the youngsters and have stimulated their creativity. To tackle this problem, some students have invented a robot car for window cleaning. It is called “Windows XB”. Not only can it move on every corner of the windows, but also clean both outside and inside of the glasses at the same time.

The inventors of the “Windows XB” are three engineering students from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. They are Lau Chun Ning, Charles (Electronic Eng.), Lee Pan Shing (Electronic Eng.) and Lei Xiao Xiao (Computer Eng.). They did a wonderful job in the project that they won the 1st runner-up of the “Vice-Chancellor’s Cup of Student Innovation 2007 (VCCI)” in the undergraduate individual category.

The aim of “Vice-Chancellor’s Cup of Student Innovation 2007” is to encourage students to make use of their knowledges and develop their creativity. As there are many projects in different fields, such as mathematics, medicine, management, etc., professors from different faculties are invited to be the judges in order to have an overall and fair judgement. Besides, innovation and technology transferrability are two major criterions.

This competition consists of 4 categories. There are undergraduate individual category, undergraduate group category, postgraduate individual category and postgraduate group category. Each category would have the champion, 1st runner-up and the 2nd runner-up. Every judgement is conscientious and careful. If the project does not reach the standard, the prize would not be presented to them even though they get the highest score in the category. Therefore, we are so proud that our students won the prize in the VCCI.

Apart from the prize, the inventors of “Windows XB” have won the chance to be one of the representatives of The Chinese University of Hong Kong to Tientsin and join the “10th Challenge Cup”. It is a national competition with over 600 teams from about 160 universities, therefore it will be a keen competition. “I feel confident in winning this competition and do not feel stressful. And I think it would broaden my horizons. Even though I lost, I won’t feel disappointed.” said Charles.

The three students are full of fervour in technology invention, two of them are the committee members of Interest Club of the Electronics Engineering (EE Interest Club). They are Lau Chun Ning, Charles (Chairman) and Lee Pan Shing (Recreation). Frankly, they think that joining the EE Interest Club has raised their interest in Electronics Engineering as there are more chances for them to develop different kinds of project. MP3 Player and Digital Thermometer are just some of the developing projects. Finally, Charles encourages students to participate more in these kinds of developing projects and competitions. It would not only raise the students' interest in electronics, but they will also gain invaluable experience too.

For any enquiry, please contact Prof. Alex K. N. Leung (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).


香港通訊業聯會盃 ¾ 聯校問答比賽剛於二零零七年六月二日在灣仔小童群益會完滿結束。經過多回合激烈的比賽,香港中文大學電子工程學系三位同學,包括隊長二年級生李昊沺﹑隊員一年級韋凱滔和楊嵩,憑著對香港通訊業的深入了解及對通訊科技的廣博認識,配合其無間的合作精神及精湛的應變策略,以穏健姿態成功擊敗其餘五隊精英隊伍,勇奪香港通訊業聯會盃的冠軍寶座。

香港通訊業聯會盃是香港通訊業聯會為慶祝「世界資訊社會日」而舉辦的一項盛大比賽。「世界資訊社會日」是為了紀念國際電信聯盟 (ITU) 在1865 年5月17日(當時稱為「世界電訊日」)成立而設的日子。每年這天,不同的國家及城市均會舉辦各種不同類型的活動以慶祝及記念此日。香港通訊業聯會盃的舉辦目的除了慶祝「世界資訊社會日」外,更是希望透過比賽,讓同學更了解香港的通訊業,從而提高同學對香港通訊業的興趣與關注,使同學能對資訊及通訊科技對經濟及社會所帶來的衝擊及商機有更強的觸覺。



For any enquiry, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

CAHK Trophy - Inter-universities Quiz Competition

CAHK Trophy - Inter-universities Quiz Competition was held on 2 June 2007 at The Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong (Wanchai). After several round of intense competition, the team from the Department of Electronic Engineering of CUHK, which included Li Hao Tian (year 2), Wai Hoi To (year 1) and Yeung Sung (Year 1), had finally beaten the other five teams of elites to become the champion of this competition, by virtue of both deep understanding of communication technology and extraordinary problem solving strategy.

The World Information Society Day (previously known as World Telecommunication Day) is to commemorate the founding of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) on 17 May 1865. Each year, different countries or cities carry out various activities to celebrate this Day. Apart from the objective of celebrating this day, the CAHK trophy held by The Communications Association of Hong Kong (CAHK) is to enable the tertiary students to experience the power of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) and have a better understanding on the local ICT industry, as well as raising the interest and awareness of ICT industry of the tertiary students for their future career development.

A total of six teams participated in this competition, where all of the participants are all elites chosen from departments of different local universities and institutes. During the start of the competition, all six teams had shown their proper standard with confidence when answering questions as no team can have any advantage over each other to break out the seesaw battle, which have created a rather anxious atmosphere. After the first round, each team still did not dare to have even slightly slack to avoid losing any key scores. As the difficulty of questions gradually increased during the final round of the competition, the CUHK-EE team competed more fiercely and had successfully taken advantages from other teams’ fault to pull off the event and got the final championship. “The entire competition is so histrionic and it was so honorable when I knew that my correct answer to the final question has led to the victory of this competition,” described by the CUHK-EE team member To.

In addition to the trophy, the winning team is also given an opportunity to work in local communication company through summer internship programme. As the captain of the CUHK-EE team Li Hao Tian explained, both strategy and solid knowledge of ICT is crucial and essential to have beaten the opponents successfully during this competition, and this unforgettable experience has strengthened him the understanding of the future development of ICT industries.

For any enquiry, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



冠軍由兩名工商管理學士綜合課程學生陳詠詩和丘家威,以及電子工程學博士生袁武組成的Apex Biosystem Ltd. (Apex)奪得,他們除可獲得現金獎五千元之外,亦將代表中大於本年五月前往美國德州大學奧斯汀分校參加Moot Corp創業計劃比賽,與其餘三十四隊來自全球頂尖大學的隊伍較量。他們建議設立Apex公司,利用表面等離子共振技術,生產及提供實驗室專用的測試儀器。這項嶄新的科技是由中大電子工程學系何浩培教授研發,透過改良現有系統,將感測器的成本大幅減少八成,而靈敏度則較現有設備增加三倍。這將可協助研究人員及醫生更準確地進行病毒(如禽流感)的測試。中大科技及專利許可事務處現正為這項嶄新技術向美國國家專利商標局申請兩項專利。獲獎隊伍計劃採用直接銷售的方式,在香港先行分銷,其後再尋求策略伙伴進軍海外市場。Apex預期於第五年賺取約八百萬美元,並於首階段集資一百萬美元作為推廣產品、市場發展及生產標準樣版的成本。

是次比賽評判包括進躍亞洲有限公司總經理周志偉先生、香港數碼港管理有限公司高級經理鍾偉強先生、新世界電訊有限公司副總裁 – 業務策劃及拓展洪秋偉先生、高誠資產管理(香港)有限公司董事祝佩嫻小姐及The Opportune Organisation, Head of Corporate Affairs, Mr. Andrew Smyth。

更多詳情請覽: 中文大學新聞發佈網頁

冠軍隊伍:Apex Biosystem Ltd.




中大奪銀獎的參賽作品《即插即用資料保密平台》,得奬學生分別為黃子洋(CSE)、毛天時(IFA)及陳妙珊(BBA),他們的指導老師為本系的陳錦泰教授及計算機科學與工程學系的王文漢教授;而《活生生物感測器》(活生SPR)則獲銅獎,得奬學生分別為本系 博士生袁武、麥顯揚(BBA)及陳嘉輝(BBA),他們的指導老師為本系的何浩培教授。

《即插即用資料保密平台》簡單而高效地保護存儲伺服器中資料的網絡設備,「即插即用」的優勢是在使用時只需安插保密平台於用戶端和伺服器之間即可,無需對電腦系統作繁瑣的設定;《活生SPR》基於表面等離子共振( Surface Plasmon Resonance),專為低預算及小型研究所而設,價錢大眾化、靈敏度高,可以協助研究人員等更準確地判斷資料。



