Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - 2021


Professor Charles K. Kao Student Creativity Awards (PCKKSCA) 2023

You are cordially invited to participate in Professor Charles K. Kao Student Creativity Awards (PCKKSCA) 「高錕教授學生創意獎」2023, a biennial competition of technological innovation co-organized by The Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services (ORKTS) and Center for Entrepreneurship (CfE).

Champion prizes for Group Entry and Individual Entry are HK$18,000 and HK$10,000, respectively. Selected teams may also represent CUHK to participate in Challenge Cup or other local, national and international competitions.

There are four project categories:

  • Life Sciences
  • Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering
  • Information Technology
  • Mathematics and Physics / Mechanics and Control

The following types of project are welcome for submission:

  1. Undergraduate’s Final Year Project
  2. Postgraduate’s Research Project
  3. Your self-innovation

As long as the projects have not been awarded in any international competitions or fully published in a journal, they are qualified for entry. DEADLINE for submission: 3rd March 2023.

Shortlisted teams will present project to the judging panel in mid-April 2023.

Award ceremony will be held in late May 2023.

Details and online application form are available at www.cuhkpckksca.com.

If you have further questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Liang Wu at 3943 9524 or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


PCKKSCA 2023 Poster Eng


PCKKSCA 2023 Poster Chi

Prof. WANG, Xiaogang won the inaugural Hong Kong Engineering Science and Technology (HKEST) Award 2022 in respect of your accomplishments and contributions in deep learning and advancing the technology of artificial intelligence for face recognition, object detection, and person re-identification.


Prof. LONG Yi selected as a Global STEM Scholar (傑出創科學人) under the Government’s Global STEM Professorship Scheme.


Miss LI, Hang, an outstanding EE year-2 undergraduate student, is awarded the IET Prize 2022 by The Institution of Engineering and Technology Hong Kong.

The IET Prize delivers the IET’s vision by underpinning our mission: to inspire, inform and influence the global engineering community, supporting technology innovation to meet the needs of society. The awardee will be granted a certificate and a cash prize. To further promote and inspire the next generation the professional development opportunities in the field of engineering and technology, the awardee will be offered a complimentary student membership of the IET for one year as well.


li hang

Prof. Chaoran Huang awarded USD 100,000 applied research grant from the Optica Foundation (20th Anniversary Challenge).

The pioneering work, which focuses on integrated photonic neuromorphic processor enabled intelligent, energy-efficient signal processing for the next-generation communication systems, will be featured throughout the coming year in Optica Foundation efforts.

Global internet traffic continues to grow at exponential rates and, to keep up with its scale, optical communications systems will need to provide 10 times more communication capacity, while the signal processors that serve as the foundation for these systems must reduce energy per bit tenfold. This need for both processing capability and energy efficiency creates challenges for today’s systems, but Professor Huang’s new research may have the answer: an integrated photonic neuromorphic processor.

Professor Huang’s design employs the strengths of the intrinsic properties of photonics, deep learning architectures and integrated photonic technologies to create a photonic processor that is anticipated to be 10 times more energy efficient and reduce processing latency by 1,000 times. In addition, employing silicon photonics as the basis for the photonic processor makes it more cost-effective and accessible for wider industry exploration.

Professor Huang said, “A photonic neural network is a hardware realisation of a deep learning model and will allow us to use photonic devices and shifts to process optical communication signals faster and with more power efficiency. We plan to build a photonic processor that can provide a sustainable processing speed and energy efficiency to tackle these challenges. This work can have an immediate and transformative impact on the important application of optical communication.”

Building on existing research, Professor Huang expects to create a small prototype that offers a proof-of-concept demonstration of the photonic processor within six months. She will identify a way to engineer a photonic neuron that can provide a speed of 50GHz. She will also incorporate high-speed integrated photonic circuits and electronic control circuits to increase bandwidth and efficiency.

More information on Professor Huang’s research is available at Research Executive Summary and her research website.


