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A research team led by Prof. WU, Ke-li, Department of Electronic Engineering, CUHK, has cooperated with the HKSAR Drainage Services Department (DSD), and Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre (LSCM) to develop a wireless network for smart drainage system to provide real-time information on drainage performance, concentration of gases and water level. Press media have reported this innovative and impressive research.

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Hong Kong Economic Times
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Hong Kong Commercial Daily
CUHK Press Release

The project by Ng Si Ioi (BEng Year 4) and Jiang Yi (MSc Year 1) won the 1st Prize in ICT Category and Innovation Award of the 2018 Challenge Cup (Hong Kong)

Prof. TSANG, Hon Ki is elected a Fellow of the Optical Society (OSA) and is awarded the Outstanding Fellow of the Faculty of Engineering

Prof. TSANG, Hon Ki from the Department of Electronic Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), is elected a Fellow of the Optical Society (OSA) for “For contributions to nonlinear silicon photonics, sub-wavelength silicon waveguide gratings, and hybrid integration of graphene on silicon waveguides. (Engineering and Science Research)”. Fellows are nominated by existing Fellows, and elected by the Fellows Committee. According to the Optical Society, “the number elected each year is limited to approximately 0.5% of the membership total.” In 2018 there were only about 100 Fellows elected from around the world. The Optical Society (OSA) was formerly called Optical Society of America but was renamed as Optical Society to reflect the truly international nature of its membership. Professor Tsang’s group is well known for their contributions to silicon photonics and this award is a recognition of their work including the first silicon waveguide two photon absorption autocorrelation detector, high gain silicon waveguide Raman amplifier, sub-wavelength waveguide grating couplers and graphene on silicon waveguide heterostructure photodetectors.

Paper of Prof. XU, Jianbin's team has been highlighted on the Advanced Science News

Paper of Prof. XU, Jianbin's team in Advanced Energy Materials "Crystallinity Preservation and Ion Migration Suppression through Dual Ion Exchange Strategy for Stable Mixed Perovskite Solar Cells" is highlighted by Advanced Science News, a news outlet to distribute high impact outputs in Advanced Energy Materials (with Impact Factor 10). This research is an inter-institutional collaboration between The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Jinan University, China.

EE PhD Alumnus Dr. YUAN, Yixuan won the HKIS 2017 Young Scientist Award in Engineering Science category

Dr. YUAN, Yixuan obtained PhD degree in the EE department at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), advised by Prof. MENG, Max Qing Hu in July 2016. She was a Postdoc Fellow in the EE department at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) for half a year and currently a post-doctoral research fellow at Stanford Medical School. She received the HKIS 2017 Young Scientist Award in Engineering Science category, competing with other 43 applicants.

