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MAK Kai Ho, Ph.D. student, and BU Shi, M.Phil. student, both supervised by Prof. LEUNG Ka Nang, won the Best Paper Awards at the 2014 IEEE Student Symposium on Electron Devices & Solid-State Circuits held on Dec. 5 2014 in Hong Kong. Their papers are entitled “Optimizations of Scaling Factor and Stage Number of a STCB Amplifier” by MAK Kai Ho, LEUNG Ka Nang and GOH Wang Ling, and “Optimization of Load Regulation for Low-Dropout Regulators” by BU Shi and LEUNG Ka Nang, respectively.


Mr. WANG Jiaole has won the Best Paper Award in the 2014 IEEE International Conference on CYBER Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems, held from June 4 to 7, 2014 in Hong Kong. Mr. WANG Jiaole is a third year Ph.D. student supervised by Professor Max Q.-H. Meng. The award winning paper is titled “A preliminary study on surgical instrument tracking based on multiple modules of monocular pose estimation”, which is a collaborative work partially completed during his visit to the National University of Singapore supported by the CUHK Global Scholarship Programme for Research Excellence 2013-2014.

Mr. XU Ke, Mr. FENG Cong, Mr. WANG Jiaole and Ms. ZHENG Minhua, PhD students of the Department of Electronic Engineering, have been selected to receive an award under the Global Scholarship Programme for Research Excellence for 2013-14. The award is to assist students to undertake a research attachment at overseas universities:

Mr. XU Ke: Department of Electrical Engineering, Yale University, USA (5 months)
Mr. FENG Cong: Department of Bioengineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore (6 months)
Mr. WANG Jiaole: Department of Bioengineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore (6 months)
Ms. ZHENG Minhua: Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of British Columbia, Canada (6 months)


Two EE undergraduate students won the Professor Charles K. Kao Student Creativity Awards 2013 organized by CINTEC recently:

CHAO Tak Lon (Electronic Engineering) and LEONG Hou Wang (Mechanical and Automation Engineering)
Project: Virtual Reality Gloves

HO Wan Long (Electronic Engineering)
Project: Hands-free and Pitch Controllable Electrolarynx

They are invited to attend the Prize Presentation Ceremony at Cho Yiu Conference Hall on May 27, 2013.


Lee Yin Tung, Sebastian (M.Phil student in BME) won the second runner-up in the Jardine Engineering Corporation (JEC) Outstanding Engineering Project Awards (project title: Biotextiles | superviser: Douglas Yung) Congratulations!

