Prof. Sun Xiankai, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering received the Early Career Award by Research Grants Council (RGC) in recognition of his excellent research performance.
Applications for research project grants under the Early Career Scheme are assessed independently by international experts, with applicants required to be full-time academic staff members within the first three years of employment at a University Grants Committee (UGC) funded institution. Of the 151 funded projects, only 9 early-career scholars received Early Career Awards due to their “excellent” ratings with a full score of 5.0. Prof. Sun scored a top rating with his funded project “Investigation of the force law of classical electrodynamics with nanoscale optomechanical systems”.
The Early Career Scheme aims to nurture the development of promising research talents by supporting the research projects of junior scholars at the beginning of their academic career. Each year the RGC would select up to 5% of the top junior scholars to receive the honorary title of Early Career Award. In addition to the funding of research for undertaking independent research work, an honorary title will be awarded plus an additional amount of $100,000 per project will be provided to those awardees who have submitted a satisfactory Education Plan for undertaking educational activities.