Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Description


ENGG 5105 - Computer and Network Security

Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement For students in MSc Computer Science or MPhil-PhD programmes under Faculty of Engineering or UG Computer Science or UG Computer Engineering; Not for students who have taken CMSC5726 or CSCI5470
This course aims to introduce important topics in computer and network security from an applied perspective. Topics include: (i) applied cryptography (e.g., cryptographic primitives, programming with OpenSSL), (ii) network security (e.g., unauthorized accesses, large-scale network attacks, firewall & intrusion detection systems), (iii) web security (e.g., HTTP session management and web attacks), and (iv) system security (e.g., buffer overflow, passwords, file system security). The course also discusses latest applied security topics depending on the current research trends.
Advisory: Students are expected to have taken CSCI3150 or ESTR3102, and CSCI4430 or CENG4430 or IERG3310

ENGG 5202 - Pattern Recognition

Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement For ELEG major and minor undergraduate as elective course;For students in MPhil-PhD programmes under Faculty of Engineering;Not for students who have taken ELEG5503 or ELEG5760
This course provides an introduction to the important concepts, theories and algorithms of pattern recognition. The topics cover Bayesian decision theory, maximum likelihood and Bayesian parameter estimation, support vector machine, boosting, nonparametric pattern recognition methods, and clustering. It also includes applications of pattern recognition in different fields. Students taking this course are expected to have the background knowledge of calculus, linear algebra, probability and random process as a prerequisite. Pre-requisite: ELEG3410 or with the consent of the instructor.

ENGG 5281 - Advanced Microwave Engineering

Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement For ELEG major and minor undergraduate as elective course;For students in MPhil-PhD programmes under Faculty of Engineering or MSc Electronic Engineering;Not for students who have taken ELEG5205 or ELEG5310
This course is designed to introduce the Advanced Microwave Engineering. Topics will be selected from the following: antennas, array antennas, MIMO antennas, phased array, microwave filter design, computer-aided design of microwave circuits, electromagnetic simulation, and radio propagation.

本科目旨在介紹高級微波工程。本學科將選擇下列部份課題:天線, 阵列天线, 微波瀘波器設計,電腦輔助微波電路設計,電磁場建模。

Topics will be selected from the following antennas, array antennas, phased array, microwave filter design, computer-aided design of microwave circuits, electromagnetic simulation, and radio propagation.

Learning Outcome
1. To understand and acquire the fundamental knowledge and techniques of some of subjects in advanced microwave engineering.
2. To be able to use the knowledge and the new techniques to design practical antennas, microwave devices, circuits or modules.
3. To master the electromagnetic simulation skill for the selected topics.
4. To understand the practical issues, theory, state-of-the-art development, and the current challenges in the selected topics.

ENGG 5282 - Nanoelectronics

Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement For students in MSc Electronic Engineering or MPhil-PhD programmes under Faculty of Engineering;Not for students who have taken ELEG5500
This course is a review of semiconductor physics. The course content covers the following topics. Electrons in nanostructures: density of states, quantum confinement, transport properties, nanocontacts, Coulomb blockade. Nanoscale fabrication and synthesis: lithography, nanopatternning, epitaxy and heterostructure, self-assembly, other techniques. Nanoscale characterization: scanning probe microscopy and other microscopic techniques, nanoscale electrical measurements. It also introduces nanoscale devices such as nano-MOSFETs; carbon nanotube devices, nanowire- and nanoparticle-based devices, organic thin film devices, molecular electronic devices, their applications, and commercialization. Pre-requisite: ELEG2510 or ELEG3510 or ELEG4510 or with the consent of the instructor.

ENGG 5291 - Fiber Optics: Principles and Technologies

nrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement For students in MSc Electronic Engineering or MPhil-PhD programmes under Faculty of Engineering;Not for students who have taken ELEG5610
This course is an overview of fiber communication technology. This course content covers fiber transmission impairments, introduction to nonlinear optics, second order and third order nonlinear phenomena, lightwave propagation in nonlinear media, optical signal processing in communications and specialty fibers.

ENGG 5301 - Information Theory

Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement For all students in Engineering Faculty;Exclusion: IERG5154
Course Attributes
Blended-mode class available
Introduction. Shannon's information measures. Entropy rate of a stationary process. The source coding theorem. Kraft inequality. Huffman code. Redundancy of a prefix code. The channel coding theorem. Rate-distortion theory. Universal data compression.

Blended-mode class section is available for this course. Please refer to the "Class Notes" of the blended-mode class section for details.

Advisory: Students are expected to have fundamental probability concepts.

ENGG 5303 - Advanced Wireless Communications

Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement For all students in Engineering Faculty
Exclusion: IERG6270 or IERG5100
This course provides an extensive introduction to basic principles and advanced techniques in the physical layer of wireless communications. Topics to be covered include channel coding, MIMO and
space-time processing, OFDM and multicarrier systems, spread spectrum and CDMA, channel capacity, opportunistic scheduling and diversity schemes.

Advisory: A prior undergraduate level course in wireless communication is highly recommended.

ENGG 5402 - Advanced Robotics

Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement For students in MSc Mechanical and Automation Engineering or MPhil-PhD programmes under Faculty of Engineering; or For undergraduate students in Mechanical and Automation Engineering
This course provides a comprehensive overview of robotics for postgraduate level study. The course covers the fundamental concepts and methods to analyze, model, and control of robotic mechanisms. Specific topics include kinematics, inverse kinematics, dynamics, trajectory generation, individual and multivariable control, interaction force control, and sensors. Students will also involve in hands-on programming project to reinforce the basic principles developed in lectures as well as develop robot algorithm implementation skillsets. The course will also expose students to the latest and advanced developments in robotics such as medical robotics, dynamic parameter identification.

ENGG 5403 - Linear System Theory & Design

Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement For students in MSc Mechanical and Automation Engineering or MPhil-PhD programmes under Faculty of Engineering; or
For undergraduate students in Mechanical and Automation Engineering;Not for students who have taken MAEG5725
Linear system theory and design is the core of modern control approaches, such as optimal, robust, adaptive and multivariable control. This course aims to develop a solid understanding of the fundamentals of linear systems analysis and design using the state space approach. Topics covered include state space representation of systems; solution of state equations; stability analysis; controllability and observability; linear state feedback design; observer and compensator design, advanced multivariable control systems design, decoupling and servo control. This course is a must for higher degree students in control engineering, robotics or servo engineering. It is also very useful for those who are interested in signal processing and computer engineering.

ENGG 5404 - Micromachining and Microelectromechanical Systems

Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement For students in MSc BMEG and MAEG; or MPhil-PhD programmes under Faculty of Engineering; or
For undergraduate students in BMEG or MAEG;Not for students who have taken MAEG5750
This course provides a broad overview of microfabrication and microelectromechanical systems. Topics include introduction to basic micromaching techniques such as photolithography; isotropic and anisotropic wet etching; dry etching; physical and chemical vapor deposition; electroplating; metrology; statistical design of experiments; MEMS release etching; stiction; and MEMS device testing. The course also reviews important microsensors, microactuators and microstructures. Topics include accelerometers; pressure sensor; optical switches; cantilever beams; thin-film stress test structures and bulk micromaching test structures. Lastly, the course introduces the fundamentals of central dogma of molecular biology; cell and tissue biology; and principles of transduction and measurements of molecules, cells and tissues.

ENGG 5501 - Foundations of Optimization

Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement For students in MPhil-PhD programmes under Faculty of Engineering;Not for students who have taken SEEM5520
In this course we will develop the basic machineries needed for formulating and analyzing various optimization problems. Topics include convex analysis, linear and conic linear programming, nonlinear programming, optimality conditions, Lagrangian duality theory, and basics of optimization algorithms. Applications from different fields, such as computational economics and finance, combinatorial optimization, and signal and image processing, will be used to complement the theoretical developments. No prior optimization background is required for this class. However, students should have a workable knowledge in multivariable calculus, basic concepts of analysis, linear algebra and matrix theory.

ENGG 5601 - Principles of Biomechanics and Biomaterials

Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement For MSc Biomedical Engineering students; or For MPhil-PhD students under Faculty of Engineering;Not for students who have taken BMEG5150
This course focuses on biomechanics (biostatics, biodynamics, mechanics of biological solids), biomaterials (metals, ceramics, synthetic polymers, natural polymers, composites; characterization of biomaterials; biomaterial scaffolds for regenerative medicine) & clinical applications in the musculoskeletal system (including, sports, traumatology, and rehabilitation), cardiovascular system, and dentistry.

ENGG 5781 - Matrix Analysis and Computations

Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement For MPhil-PhD Engineering Students
Matrix analysis and computations are widely used in engineering fields—such as machine learning, computer vision, systems and control, signal and image processing, optimization, communications and networks, and many more—and are considered key fundamental tools. This course covers matrix analysis and computations at an advanced or research level. It consists of several parts. The first part focuses on various matrix factorizations, such as eigendecomposition, singular value decomposition, Schur decomposition, QZ decomposition and nonnegative factorization. The second part considers important matrix operations and solutions such as matrix inversion lemmas, linear system of equations, least squares, subspace projections, Kronecker product, Hadamard product and the vectorization operator. Sensitivity and computational aspects are also studied. The third part explores presently frontier or further advanced topics, such as matrix calculus and its various applications, tensor decomposition, and compressive sensing (or managing undetermined systems of equations via sparsity). In every part, relevance to engineering is emphasized and applications are showcased.