Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Prof ZHANG, Yuan Ting 張元亭


Research Professor
IAMBE Fellow, IEEE Life Fellow, AIMBE Fellow, AAIS Fellow, HKIE Fellow
homepage Rm 307, Ho Sin Hang Engineering Building phone Tel: +852 3943 8256 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Research Interests:

Cardiovascular health informatics, Unobtrusive sensing and wearable devices, BSN/BAN security, Neural muscular modeling, pHealth technologies



Resume of Career

Yuan-Ting Zhang is currently the Research Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Visiting Professor at Oxford Suzhou Centre for Advanced Research (OSCAR), the MWLC-LRG member of Karolinska Institutet, Chief Scientist in unobtrusive blood pressure measuring technology at the Shenzhen Honor Mobile Terminal LtD, and the founding Chairman and first Director of Hong Kong Center for Cerebro-cardiovascular Health Engineering. He served as the Sensing System Architect in Health Technology and Sensing Hardware Divisions at Apple Inc., California, USA, the founding Director of the Key Lab for Health Informatics of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the founding Director of CAS-SIAT Institute of Biomedical and Health Engineering, Chair Professor at CityU, and Adjunct Chair Professor at Shandong University. Professor Zhang dedicated his service to the Chinese University of Hong Kong from 1994 to 2015, where he served as the first Head of the Division of Biomedical Engineering and led the efforts on establishing educational degree Programmes in Biomedical Engineering.

Professor Zhang has been the Chair of the IEEE 1708 Standard Working Group for developing an international standard on Wearable Cuffless BP Measuring Devices since 2007 and became recently a member of European Society of Hypertension Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring and Cardiovascular Variability. He serves as Editor-in-Chief (EiC) for Connected Health and Telemedicine (CHATmed) starting in 2023. He was the EiC for IEEE T-ITB, the founding EiC of IEEE J-BHI, and the EiC for IEEE R-BME. He served as Vice President of IEEE EMBS, the Chair of 2016-2018 IEEE Award Committee in Biomedical Engineering, and a member of IEEE Medal Panel for Healthcare Technology Award. He has been the main organizer for 20 editions of the Annual IEEE EMBS Summer School and Symposium on Medical Devices and Biosensors (MDBS) since 2002.

Professor Zhang served as Technical Program Chair of EMBC’98 in Hong Kong, Conference Chair of EMBC’05 in Shanghai, International Committee Co-Chair of EMBC’07 in Lyon, International Committee Chair of EMBC’ 11 in Boston, International Committee Chair of EMBC’13 in Osaka, and Technical Program Committee Co-Chair of EMBC’17 in Jeju Island. He was invited to give numerous talks at various international conferences worldwide including those at the First IEEE Life Sciences Grand Challenges Conference held at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington DC in 2012, at the 40th IEEE-EMBS Annual International Conference (EMBC’18) in Hawaii in 2018, Earl Owen Lecture at SMIT-IBEC2018 in Korea, and at the 2019 Conference on Wearable Devices for Medical Diagnosis held at IIT in Israel.

Professor Zhang's research interests include unobtrusive sensing, wearable devices, tonoarteriography/cBP, and neural physiological modeling. He was selected on the lists of China’s Most Cited Researchers in Biomedical Engineering by Elsevier, the top 2% researcher worldwide by Stanford University, and ranked No. 1 researcher in cuffless BP technology during the last 30 years from 1990 to 2020. He won a number of national and international awards including IEEE-EMBS best journal paper awards, IEEE-EMBS Outstanding Service Award, IEEE-SA 2014 Emerging Technology Award, IEEE-EMBS Chapter Award in Greece, Asia-Pacific E-Medicine Technology Grand Award in Australia, Earl Owen Lecture at SMIT-IBEC2018 in Korea, and most recently he won the 2023 IEEE EMBS William J. Morlock Award. Prof. Zhang is elected as IAMBE Fellow, IEEE Fellow, AIMBE Fellow and AAIA Fellow for his contributions to the development of wearable and m-Health technologies.

Processor Zhang completed his undergraduate studies and master degree in the area of telecommunications at Shandong University and PhD in electrical and computer engineering with specialization in biomedical engineering at University of New Brunswick, Canada.
