ImageJ Plugin for PURE-LET Image Deconvolution ============= This set of codes is a Java implementation of PURE-LET deconvolution algorithms for an ImageJ plugin. Authors: Jizhou Li, Florian Luisier and Thierry Blu References: - [1] J. Li, F. Luisier and T. Blu, PURE-LET image deconvolution, IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 92-105, 2018. - [2] J. Li, F. Luisier and T. Blu, Deconvolution of Poissonian images with the PURE-LET approach, 2016 23rd Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'16), Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 2016, pp.2708-2712. - [3] J. Li, F. Luisier and T. Blu, PURE-LET deconvolution of 3D fluorescence microscopy images, 2017 14th Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Biomed. Imaging (ISBI'17), Melbourne, Australia, 2017, pp. 723-727. ### Installation ----------- #### Dependencies ``` + net.imagj - ij + net.sourceforge.csparsej - 1.1.1 + com.github.rwl - optimization - 1.3 + com.github.rwl - JKLU - 1.0.0 + com.github.rwl - jplasma - 1.2.0 + com.googlecode.netlib-java - netlib-java - 1.1 + com.github.wendykierp - Jtransforms - 3.1 + org.apache.commons - commons-math3 - 3.6.1 + org.jblas - jblas - 1.2.4 ``` #### Installing the plugin #### Using ImageJ2/Fiji The PURE-LET algorithm is embedded in the AoEtools plugin, which is distributed using an ImageJ2/Fiji update site. To install the plugins using Fiji (an ImageJ distribution) just follow the instructions How_to_follow_a_3rd_party_update_site ( and add the AoEtools update site ( All the plugins will appear under the 'Plugins > AoEtools > PureLetDeconv2D' menu. #### Using ImageJ (version 1) If you do not want to use ImageJ2/Fiji then you can download the Jar file and put it in your ImageJ plugins folder. The Jar can be found here: See for details of the installation process in different systems. Note that the PureLetDeconv2D plugin also requires the jblas jar file to be in the ImageJ jars folder. ### Usage: ----------- #### Demo This module provides the simulation evaluation. Given the original image and degradation parameters (PSF size, noise levels), the deconvolution performance can be evaluated by the peak-signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR). #### Run - Given the blurred noisy image, the parameters of the noise model are automatically calculated (based on some physical parameters) or manually adjusted. - Clic on the "Estimate" under the Noise section to estimate the Poisson noise level, you may need to tune it a little bit. - Click on the "Start Deconvolution" button to launch the deconvolution task. - Click on the "Stop" button to abort the current deconvolution task. ### To-do: ----------- - The automatical estimation of the PSF size based on the algorithm described in Li et al. "Gaussian blur estimation for photon-limited images", ICIP'17. - The 3D deconvolution module. - Color image and image sequence processing supports. Contact: Jizhou Li (, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Last updated: 29 Sep, 2018