Name Details

Prof. P.C. Ching

Prof. P.C Ching has been awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star(BBS) by the HKSAR Government for his contributions and services to the Hong Kong community. He is also elevated to IEEE Fellow effective in 2011 for his active involvements in the IEEE Signal...View more

Prof. K.L Wu

Prof. Wu Ke Li from Department of Electronic Engineering, the Chinese University of Hong Kong has been named an IEEE Fellow effective 1 January 2011. He is being recognized “For contributions to non-planar microwave filters and embedded radio...View more

Prof. K. L. Wu

CUHK Received International Accreditation for Mobile Phone Radio Performance Test Services "List of activities for which accreditation has been terminated (Notification Letter No. HOKLAS197-7; Effective date of termination: 21 September...View more

Prof. S. Y. Wang

William S-Y. Wang, Wei Lun Research Professor in the CUHK Department of Electronic Engineering, and Academician of Academia Sinica, received these two awards in April 2010. April 9, 2010 -- Honorary Professor, Peking UniversityApril 17, 2010 -- Golden...View more